Sunday, December 28, 2008

Should be getting ready...

Well I should be getting ready to ride,but I thought I'd write a quick post before I go out there.

Yesterday I went to Canterbury and watched lessons all morning. Steph, Margo, & Caitie all had lessons so I watched that action... remembered what real jumps look like (lol) and saw a few exercises I wanted to try with JC.

When I got to the farm I rode him and did a ton of trot work to strengthen his butt muscles, then I did usual cantering stuff, a few lead changes (he's getting a lot better and more consistent again... I took a while off this summer & he lost them a bit). As I was cantering... I hear a commotion and Tiffany -- who is giving a lesson -- yells "SIT UP!" hehehehe I look back and Chelsey's new mare, Greta, is CANTERING :D Yay Greta! Way to go!! She got spooked, but it was the most forward motion we'd seen out of her yet. Maybe today she will keep on the same trend and get her ass goin!!!

I worked on jumping off a short turn yesterday and keeping a rhythm while doing it.. and JC really owned it. He took one REALLY long one... which Chelsey kind of gasped & I laughed at. He didn't flip over, Chel. He was fine.. Lol. But he ended on a great note. He would canter nicely around the corner, get pretty straight (straight as a 3 year old does...) hold off and wait for the good spot, jump up nicely, land, lead change, and turn. It was a fantastic feeling. I can't wait to go out and do more with him today.

Better get my breeches on!!! Toodleoo. Have a great one!

1 comment:

cvferkix said...

i knew he wouldnt flip over!!! it was just a looong one! sometimes i make sounds and i dont even realise!