Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Working Leads to Blogging??

So, I know it's been a while and I'm the worst blogger ever... and yadda yadda... but I've been just a teeny bit preoccupied.

1. I got a JOB. Like a big girl. (Yeah, someone PAYS me to show up everyday, weird, huh?!)
2. Jimmy has been healing from an injury that took place about a month ago and has been out of work -- he got cast pretty hardcore in his stall and since no one was around to help him out of it, he fought the wall for a long time, and the wall totally won. So he's recoop'ing from that.
3. I've been riding RocZ, Dexter, Lila, Uno.....I guess that's all.... every day/every few days. So my free time has kinda been swallowed by them.

BUT, I promise to start blogging about my one and only, Jimmy Choo once again. He is now back to WTC/low jumps. Betty thinks this weekend we will be able to start picking the fences back up again. Last night we did a 2'6" oxer (biggest in about 6 weeks) and he was totally fine about it. Happy, in fact.

Meanwhile, this morning when I got to work I opened my e-mail and found this gem: a photo of Jimmy's (what we think to be) full brother, Rocko and his "Mom" Karli. The features are unbelievably similar... to the point that it astounds me. I'll post a photo of James below so you can compare the two. So precious. Thank you, Jackie for sending me the picture of Rokco! She will be sending me a picture she found of Jimmy when she rescued him. I'm incredibly excited and petrified all at the same time to see it. She said he was in pretty rough shape. My poor, sweet James. Oh well, now we can all smile that all these wonderful horses have wonderful mothers!!!

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