So he was very happy to follow me in & munch on sugar cubes. I brushed him & tried to clean off his feet as much as I could, and even attempted to get a brush through his tail! Ha. Didn't quite work out, but it was a solid effort & he was a sport to let me try. His mane is getting so thick & full I can't believe it! It's pretty ;)
I let him out into the arena to run on flatter, dryer ground & he mostly just romped around for a minute & then tried to just nibble the grass around the perimeter, so I took him back inside. Here's a picture of him after his romp in the arena. (Look at his pot-belly!!!)

One of the girls from the barn asked Jimmy and I to go with her and her horse Luna to the Spring Grove Hunter show in May :-) So pending on how quickly Jimmy can get back into jumping shape, we'll be going with! I'm sure he'll be ready in no time, so 6 weeks to prep is plenty of time. We'll just do the Open Hunters - 2'6". He can definitely handle that. Haha! Should be really fun though!!!!
...I hope I get my tall boots back from Francis by then :P
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