Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another Bump in the Road

Well, yesterday Bill (my beau) lost his job. I was planning on having Jimmy's fetlocks injected in 30 days & then decided not to, thinking it'd be hundreds of dollars I didn't have...plus I need another box of Adequan, which is almost $300. Turns out the injections for his fetlocks aren't as much as I'd thought, but with Bill out of work, I definitely don't think spending more on Jimmy is an option. I already have the cash set aside for the Adequan, but anything beyond that is too much for me to handle mentally right now...and financially.

I ordered new bandages for JC Friday as soon as I knew I needed them - and saw this morning that they are in Hodgkins, IL. I hope they arrive today so I can change his bandages tonight - they're a few days overdue already. I read the discharge papers last night and realized that the original bandages were supposed to be changed after 2 days, not 5 like the bandages from now on should be. BAD MOM!!! Oh well - they are still in great shape, he hasn't touched them at all and they're very clean since I clean his stall a second time every day when I'm there after it was cleaned in the morning.

Here's the trooper enjoying his graze yesterday evening. God Bless him for being so wonderful. Please pray for Bill to find a new job swiftly and smoothly.

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