So we went for a walk and ate grass, and the only way to describe how he grazed would be "ferociously". He was totally outrageous and once he just side passed really quickly to graze in a "better spot". I laughed hysterically at him and reminded him he's not allowed to make any quick movements yet. He's borderline being a punk already - and yesterday was merely day 5. Ohhhh what a lovely next 25 days we have to go!!! Jess is walking him for me tomorrow so I can go home to Bill and enjoy an evening together. I desperately need just a night to do nothing with him. Not living together definitely takes its toll.
On our walk - Jimmy was absolutely not willing to share his grass with anyone. We went up to the top pasture and said "Hi" to Dixie, and Jimmy wanted nothing to do with her. LOL I said hello, she nickered, Jimmy bit the air in her direction. P-U-N-K. Here's Jimmy, NOT sharing with Dixie:

I changed his wraps last night for the first time since his surgery. Good thing I didn't hold my breath for the wraps from Stateline bc they did NOT come!! Saddler's wraps were overpriced, but saved my butt!! err...Jimmy's...legs.
His stitches look picture perfect. No blood, oozing, swelling, or heat in the legs. Just look absolutely wonderful. He seems fit as a fiddle too! What a good sport!
Tonight is Adequan night. I hope someone's there to hold him for me while I give it to him....
Just discovered you - your boy is very beautiful! Wishing him good luck on a successfully and uneventful recovery.
Thanks so much!!
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