WE HAVE A WINNER!!! HOORAY!!! *crowd cheers*
The Ovation Extreme Helmet takes all! The Tipperary that I really wanted did NOT fit whatsoever and the lower-priced Ovation wasn't quite as comfortable to me. So HOORAY! Now I have a goal: I must save up $74.99 + tax to go buy this helmet at Saddler's Row. I've looked it up online and the cheapest I've found is $66 at eqtack.com and $67 on Equestrian Collections both of which have shipping fees, and I'd have to WAIT to get them after I saved up the money...which I don't wait very well, so that just isn't happening. With my size and color, I can hope that they'll have it at the tent sale, but since it's a very new line of helmet, I doubt it. I will be scouring the horse show prize lists I get in the mail for coupons though!!!
Here's a picture of it:
I think it looks really nice! And since all helmets now are ASTM approved, why wouldn't I buy a $74.99 helmet instead of spending $150+ on something that protects my head the same way and is less comfortable? In the hunters now even styles like this are completely acceptable, so the schooling and possible eventing I plan to do in the future won't be a problem. I'm going to be cool and COMFORTABLE, BABY!!! Can't wait!
Very good looking!
I like it!!
Thanks! I'm super pumped! AND just remembered that every Thursday after 5PM Barrington Saddlery offers 20% off one item.... Yeah, I'm doing that as soon as I've saved up!!
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