Monday, June 21, 2010

My Horse the Demon

Yesterday was "Spring Cleaning" day for me. It was the last day of spring...but better late than never, am I right?! Haha. So I set up a nice little area in JC's dry lot so he could "help" me clean his brushes and boots. He definitely did his part. Here he's ready to "help" (Side note: he's been leaving his mask on! HOORAY! I just keep it so tight there's not really any way to get it off!)

He drank half of the water out of the "rinse" bucket:
Then proceeded to knock it over and spray it all over me. He's such a gem...

Then that was boring so he started knocking around the brush box to verify there absolutely positively 100% were NO treats in it whatsoever. He is nothing if not thorough...

Since the treat in the brush box idea didn't work out so well, he thought about dumping the "wash" bucket out all over my toes when I called at him just in time before he knocked it all over me:
He's such a playful little fart I hate to ruin his fun!!! It's hilarious watching him explore and be nosey. I didn't mind having wet shorts the rest of the afternoon while I cleaned out my tack trunk anyway ;-)


ItsOnlyAnna said...

There is nothing on earth that can make you feel better on a bad day, than a horse with personality:D I think that's why I always pick those ones. They always pay you back somehow!

Jess said...

You are EXACTLY RIGHT! This horse always makes my day.

Anonymous said...

What a playful guy - it's impossible to get mad at a horse like that!