Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I just saw on IHO that Bull Run Farm is hosting another horse show this year - in September....and guess who the judge is? Diane. *SWOON*!!!!!!!!!!

Last summer I rode Jimmy in the Fields and Fences NIHJA Hunter Derby for fun, to get him around all-natural jumps. They had split rails and lots of brush, logs, sod-covered roll-tops, the whole sha-bang, all at 2'6" with a 3' option. It was marvelous.

The next day my dad saw Diane at Lamplight and he said "Jess said you judged the hunter derby last night! What did you think of the little brown horse she rode in it?" (I had multiple mounts) Diane said "That little horse can JUMP!" Hahahaha. I love her so much.

In a perfect world, Jimmy will be ready in September to horse show, I will get a killer freelance gig to cover the cost, and someone awesome will give Jimmy and I a ride there :-D Hey, I can dream, can't I?!? I'd love for Diane to see Jimmy go again. That was one of my favorite moments with Jimmy so far! He's so good.

1 comment:

ItsOnlyAnna said...

I tried to leave a comment on this the other day via iPhone, but it did not cooperate, lol. That's really exciting!! I hope it all works out so that you get to proudly show him off again:)