Saturday, August 7, 2010

Foot Update

Today I stopped by John's house (man, I love my vet) and chatted with him for a while about what I need to do to make Jimmy better. I told him I am packing his feet with poultice to help the heat and was looking into easy boots. He said based on the footing at my barn, easy boots won't do a dang thing to help. It's a very muddy barn and I realized "if Jimmy pulled two shoes clean off himself that were NAILED on his would he leave the boots on...????"

Basically my vet told me that without fronts on, Jimmy will never get sound. Not only will he not get sound, he will probably develop pedalosteoitis(...?) and ruin his coffin bones and shrivel up and die... Wuh oh!! So!! The search for a farrier who can keep shoes on Jimmy's feet is on. If I can find an affordable farrier for silicone and pads AND can keep shoes on JCs feet, thats the dream. So dream with me, people!!! John said a front shoe will help, a pour in and pad would be ideal. Also, Jimmy needs to go out in the nice perfect dry lot again for 2-3 months, so he is ALWAYS on solid, perfect footing and he's got time to grow out a bit. This way he gets all the possibility in the world to heal. And thats what is most important :-)

He will be living in the dry lot most likely with one of the farms newest members, a miniature horse named Jeezie :-)


Anonymous said...

Oh thank god, we were worried. Poor guy needs to catch a break sometime soon.

Jess said...

Thanks guys!! So many good things going on!