Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Healthy Horse Workshop

Tonight was The Healthy Horse Workshop at Saddlers Row put on by KAM. It was wonderful! I completely enjoyed it. I loved learning about health and nutrition, and digestion, feed, supplements, intestines, hooves, EVERYTHING! It was just great. I really, really enjoyed it.

...Until... She started to talk about lameness. My ears perked up of course and in my head I repeated "Yes! Tell me why my horse is lame! YES!!!! TELL ME HOW TO FIX HIM WITH A PELLET OR A COOKIE OR DIFFERENT HAY!! PLEASE!!" And she went through tendons and ligaments and hooves and all these wonderful, informative things, all of them happen because your horse's gut doesn't function as it should. She asked if there were any questions, and I raised my hand, "What about horses with OCD's?" She said (in a nutshell) it's because the Mama had too much protein in their diets, therefore the Baby is born and will have OCD's. Once that happens, there's nothing you can do.

Once I heard this....the words just rung in my ears. I tuned out mentally the rest of the seminar and try as I did to pay attention and listen to what was being said because I do have a natural thirst for learning...I just absolutely couldn't. My heart hurt, my eyes burned, and I couldn't get out of there fast enough. There's nothing you can do. I AM SO SICK OF HEARING THAT. Tell me something I can do, PLEASE. I want to do something that is good.

I cried the whole way home.


ItsOnlyAnna said...

Aww Jess:( You DID do something. You gave Jimmy the life that he has now. Who knows where he would be if you hadn't gotten your heart and hands on him!

I did have somewhat of a thought though, since shoes with pads were recommended. Have you ever tried putting an easyboot on his sore foot/leg, to see if that extra shock absorption would help? If you don't have access to one, my farrier once suggested cutting foamboard to the size of the hoof, and duct-taping it on. Just a thought =/

Jess said...

Thanks Anna. We're doing some radiographs on that left front again in the near future - possibly tomorrow. Depends when my vet can get out there. I want to "see" what's in the joint, before I pour any more heartache into it.

As tough as it is at times, I love the little bugger so much I'm still grateful every day to have him. I can't imagine not.