Tonight I rode Pepe because the weather here in the sunny Chicago 'Burbs is B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!! So I took full advantage. Not to mention, I've lost 6 lbs (hooray!) but feel as huge as ever. A not-so-flattering photo was posted on Facebook today & it's psyching me out. Wedding is 15 montsh & counting! Must.Look.FABULOUS!
Pepe continues to be a pleasure. Walks, trots, canters like he's a seasoned pro. He's steering really well now too. Trotting is no problem, canter he gets hard in the mouth, but a little "adjustment" and he's right in tune. He cantered the little long stirrup ground pole "course" today beautifully too! Spots AND numbers! HOLLA! And in one line he swapped out, and swapped back over the second rail to land on the lead! WHAT A PRO!
He loves his left to right lead change, and does it with ease, but the right to left has been causing him a little frustration. I know it's just weakness in his hind and (well, his WHOLE self, really) will strengthen and appear in time! As for me - I am sitting on the couch taking shallow breaths because there is a shooting pain spreading through my spine. O.u.c.h. Problem with Pepe is that although he's a blast to ride, he's like riding a pogo stick. NOT COMFY AT ALL. It's kind of excruciating at this point because as my mom made me realize this evening, I haven't actually ridden consistently for nearly a year. This time last year Jimmy was lame from being cast in his stall and messing his legs up something fierce and as soon as it got cooler & he got better, I let him just hang out and teach lessons to Lucy. Time and Pepe will help me get through this.
Which brings me to my next point: Jimmy. He's still lame. Shocker. So the waiting game continues. I was talking with another boarder tonight and she said "What will do you if he never gets better? How long will you let him go on like this?" Which, I had kind of considered, but not out loud. Since he's only now allowed on limestone 15x15, lives in bell boots so he doesn't pull his shoes, has shoes packed with pads and filler, lives on joint & hoof supplements, gets Adequan IM twice a week, and is too lame to function outside his little cell....I mean stall.....Why would I make him suffer? This is definitely NOT what I'd call a life for him. It's never what I wanted for him. We'll keep giving it a go and hope and pray and dream that someday in the next calendar year he will come out and magically be sound again. If not, then I need to make that executive decision with John and do what needs to be done to end his pain and suffering because like this, he's no good to anyone and never will be. He's only miserable and thinking about him used to break my heart, but recently I've had a hard time even looking at him. Right now, he's nothing but a pretty face.
1 comment:
You are right to consider these things, and it's our responsibility - a hard one - if and when the time comes.
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