Holy moly tonight was a sauna at the farm. BLECH!!!! It was brutal.
I grabbed Jim and groomed him. I put DMSO in his hooves today, heard that helps with soreness...so I figured what the heck. Tomorrow I am going to the Healthy Horse Workshop at Saddlers Row, so I'll pick up some Durasole or Keratex, whichever they have in stock. Hopefully Durasole.
I got on, despite the heat, and started walking bareback. He felt great. Some days I get on and can just tell that he is happy and feels good. We walked twice around each direction, practicing flexion and lateral work across the diagonal. He was beautiful. I felt my heart swell, it felt so incredible to be on him and WORKING again. However, it was short-lived. Started the trot to the right and he seemed "meh". As we progressed to the right (still, straight sides only) he gradually became worse. To the left he was downright violent. No part of him wanted to trot. The bugs were getting to him, it was hot, and he plainly didn't feel good. I got off and took his bridle off and made him trot around me once. Left Front.
I'm trying to research online. Trying to find something to do or try or...SOMETHING. Anything that will help him. What breaks my heart isn't that I can't ride, it's that he's hurting and I can't help him. We've done everything and there's absolutely no improvement in his soundness. My parents say leave him in the field and let him be for a year. I'm a hands-on type. I can't do that. I tried for a week and felt horrible by the end.
I'm not sure where to go from here. I don't want to do nothing, but we've already tried "something" a lot of times. I'm praying for a miracle. Please help me.
What's your status on x-rays and ultrasounds - if you get him looked at then you may have a more definitive answer (?).
Kate- full radiographs were done in April, which is how we found the OCDs and why we sent him to surgery. Nothing else appeared.
We will take all the prayers we can get. Thanks ladies :-)
Keep repeating your mantra- everything happens for a reason. I know how tempting it is to want to get on him just to check out how he's feeling each day, but maybe the combination of you continuing to keep coming out just for peace of mind but letting him just be Mr. Fat Happy and Sassy will do the trick. No work, no trotting, just calm walking. Be patient, as hard as it may be. You guys will get through it and find a solution one way or another. Sending happy and SOUND thoughts ;)
Thanks Krisann. I'll write a blog about it - but Dr. John will be coming back out to radiograph that left front. He has bad feelings about what we will find... :'-(
Oh no:( I wish I had an idea for you, but I'm sending you and Jimmy all the best wishes I can muster up, and then some!
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