So today I decided after talking it through with Bill and my Mom that no matter what, I will ride him through it, so he understands and realizes there IS NO MORE PAIN. We've done the diagnostic, I've started bringing him back on the line, even the vets say "There's no reason he shouldn't be put back to work." Lucy was there as my photographer and videographer :-) I got on and let him walk around a few times - like I always do. No pressure, no big deal. Just calm, happy, walking.
I told Lucy to get the camera ready because if he had a meltdown, I wanted to catch it - to prove to all of you that I'm not making this up!! Haha. To my surprise, he just trotted. Didn't fuss, didn't fight...just....trotted. He had one tiny meltdown (which you will see in the video - after the first long side you will see the head go up and a half canter step a few times) then he snapped right out of it - it's as though he realized "Oh, she's not fighting me back. My legs don't hurt. I DON'T FEEL LIKE CRAP!" And he went GREAT after that! I even let him canter (no lectures, please - he's happy and healthy. If he can gallop full steam and buck that hard WITHOUT me, the happy canter you'll see in the video certainly won't be the death of him). I'm thrilled and couldn't be happier. Lots of happy tears making this video and yeah, I know the song choice is lame, but it just fit perfectly. So please enjoy my ride with Jimmy today and Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" :-) That's how Jimmy makes me feel - like I'm living a teenage dream. Sorry the video is so tiny!
Here are some photos from today in case the video is too little.

Oh, and since I was in such a good mood after my ride on Jim - I jumped Pepe. He was a hoot. Jumped like it's the job he's had his whole life. He's much happier doing things like jumping than he is doing things like bending, flexing, and steering. TOUGH, PEPE! You have to do the not-so-fun if you want to have fun!!! ;-)
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