Sunday, September 26, 2010

We're Moving!

I've been in contact with a friend of a friend who owns a barn 5 miles from where I keep Jimmy and from talking to her, she offered me the job as trainer at her farm. This means Lucy has a place to ride, I will have more students, and... *drumroll* Jimmy will be moving with me November 1 :-)

I'm very excited for this move. It's going to be a big change - as moving always is - but this farm has an indoor AND an outdoor, both equipped with real jumps and dressage letters on the walls of the indoor - which I love (not that I know what they mean, but that's for another post). Jimmy will also be switching to a new feed which is high in protein, to help his feet continue to improve, and nurse along the muscle strengthening process. He will also be living in a nice big 12x12 matted stall (it might be bigger than that...?) and during the day throughout the winter he will be in the indoor arena, so his tootsies stay nice and dry and healthy.

I will be the only trainer there, which is very exciting to me. So far I only am 100% that Lucy is on board, the other potential students haven't moved in for the winter yet.

Regardless, I'm really looking forward to our future and the new place we will call "Home" for the winter!

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