Sunday Bill and I got home pretty early from camping so after a morning of relaxation (camping is so much work!! but it was fun) I ventured out to the barn to enjoy the weather and the horses.
I went for Pepe first, and Jimmy let me know he wasn't very happy about it. I felt like I was being watched:
For the first time when I went out to get Pepe, he came to me. This is a HUGE step for him! He was looking right at me, ears pricked and left his BFF Lucia so he could come see me. I wanted to take him on a trail ride since the weather was so beautiful, but he told me otherwise. I know the girl who was riding him this spring rode him in improper tack (i.e. a pony-sized running martingale) She mentioned to me that he reared a lot with her, so I walked over one day while she was tacking him up with this microscopically tiny martingale and said "This would be why he's rearing. It's WAYYYY to small. You need to take it off, or make it bigger" she said "No, no. It's fine. It's fine." She only ever rode him on the trail. **FILED INTO MY MEMORY**
So I get on him and walk him up the driveway (I was waiting for some other boarders to tack up and we were all planning to ride together). When I got to the gate he stood alert, but calm. I tried to reach and open the gate but he's a full hand or so taller than Jim, so I couldn't reach it. I walked him back down the hill to check on the other riders, and walked him back up the hill to the gate alone since they weren't ready yet. This time he didn't have the same calmness. Actually, he got a little testy walking up to the gate, and light on the front end. By the third time I walked him up the hill and toward the gate he only got 3/4 of the way up the hill and started to try and stand up. Horse rearing + on a hill = so completely unsafe. I calmed him down to the point of being reasonable, walked him down the hill and got off so I could open the gates to get into the arena.
Then something amazing happened. I kid you not: I walked him into the arena, put my foot in the stirrup, and stepped over onto him. I had my reins in one hand and gave him a pat on the neck with the other - the identical routine that I do every time we ride together. He took a deep breath, sighed, and licked his lips while he calmly walked off, head low and calmly collected. UNbelievable. Having trust with a horse is a pretty huge honor that people often take for granted. This horse genuinely trusts me and because he knew the basic routine of my mounting in the arena, he was immediately put at ease. He went from dangerous and nearly violent to a soft little puppy in minutes. I'm honored to work with this horse.
Today was the same, had a great ride on him and we just enjoyed the company of one and other. He's very weak in the right hind hock or hip, I'm still figuring out which. I'm not 100% how he'd do in a pre-purchase exam, but he's such an honest and loving guy once you gain his trust I let his owner know that in the right hands, he'll make a completely wonderful riding horse.
Lucy had a lesson today and her mom (Anne) took some great photos!!! Smiley was too excited about the cool breeze so we had to keep him on the lunge line today ;-) Lucy rode beautifully (as you can see)!!!

Today we played a game I made up to keep Lucy planning and thinking ahead called "Inside/Outside". I put a barrel down in the circle she's riding in and she has to call if she's going inside or outside the barrel. It keeps her on her toes and it's fun at the same time!!
Jimmy has ust been getting brushed and hand walked (and lots of love). I'm trying to keep things low-key with him as long as he can stand it. The more time he lays low the better he will heal.
I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day Weekend!
Sounds like a great time was had by all. Sometimes those routines, and the expectations that go with them, can be very reassuring to the horse (and to us!).
Definitely true!!! Pepe loves consistency (...who doesn't?!)
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