Monday, October 18, 2010

Big Strides

Saturday was the perfect fall day & I went right out to ride in the morning. The air was crisp and the sun was shining - it was definitely a trail riding day. Jimmy was perky and happy - trotted beautifully along the whole trail, through a few loops in the hay field, and back out to the trail. I took a photo from my favorite view on the trail - on top of the big hill.
Jimmy seems to be doing very well with the "new" (adjusted) saddle and has been very happy to get out lately. Last night I had him back up to cantering a long side twice each direction and he seemed to do pretty well. He's very weak still - and very lazy - but he's been acting pretty happy and enjoying his rides. They were hunting across the street last night so I couldn't go on a trail, which is really his favorite thing. He's so bored in the arena...I'll have to think of more exercises to keep his attention. 

Lucy had a lesson Friday night on Smiley and did really well, so Sunday when I got home from a Horse Days meeting I called to see if she wanted to lesson again since I was home early. Of course her mom said yes & they agreed that it was a good day to try a lesson on Pepe. He's such a kind-hearted guy I was pretty confident that he would enjoy Lucy, but like any trainer I was cautious and watched his every move with her. Lucy got along him right away because he's like a big dog - he wants to snuggle with you constantly and she likes being able to pet and brush his face (Jimmy isn't so patient). He stood nicely while she picked his feet and tacked him up. He's so tall I had to help a little with the bridle, but he absolutely was well-behaved.

When she got on him he stood kindly and I clipped the lunge line on. Once she had walked 1/4 around the arena she looked at me and I asked if she would like me to "unhook her". She said yes and assured me that she felt confident enough riding him without the lunge line. I was only going to use it for security purposes, but she seemed very confident and he's a very "don't expend any more energy than necessary" type.

Wouldn't you know that Pepe was the calmest, most docile and angelic horse I've ever seen!? I hoped that he and Lucy would get along, but didn't expect quite what I saw. He took care of her beautifully and she LOVED riding him! She had her full 30 minute lesson & asked if she could trot poles by the end, so I let her, and then she didn't want to get off! She kept riding while I got Jimmy tacked up (with her mom's supervision - and only at the walk/halt) and when I was ready with JC I got on and she played follow the leader with me. She walked and trotted Pepe for well over an hour - grinning all along. She was more confident and proud than I've ever seen her and she rode him beautifully.

Who knew that this match was right in front of our eyes all along?!


Anonymous said...

Very nice - good Pepe, and good Jimmy!

Jess said...

Thanks Kate! I'm very pleased.