Monday, November 22, 2010

A Good Weekend for Jimmy Choo

Jimmy had a very nice weekend. Saturday morning he taught Lucy a very very good lesson, in which he was slow enough at the sitting trot a few times that Lucy could actually practice sitting, which was lovely! She brought him a "Thanksgiving Present" of new LikIts & apples & carrots and a new CHRISTMAS HALTER!!!! He looks so handsome in it, and it's cute as can be!!! Check it out:


Sunday afternoon our good friend Carly came out and rode Jimmy. She hasn't ridden him since his baby days, so it was quite a treat for all involved that she got to come and hack JC! I took some videos of it, which I will post below. She just kept saying "Oh my God. He's just so much fun!!! He's so cool! Oh my God he's so fun!!!!!" which made me feel pretty awesome :-) I helped her out here & there, teaching her his "buttons" but mostly just let her hack around and have fun with him. She was very impressed with the fact that he "reminds" you when you aren't riding correctly, because he will pop out of the frame, or pop his shoulder out or change his pace. I hate to take all the credit for it, because I promise he just happened to grow up this way!! He's so wonderful, I just love him to pieces. It was really special to see him work under someone else and watch how he moves....It looks exactly how it feels :-) Fluid and magnificent! Enjoy the vids.

I'm fighting what seems to be the flu....I mostly feel normal but then get waves of hot/cold flashes and headaches so fierce I can barely I've asked Cass to hack Jimmy for me the next few days until I can officially kick whatever bug my body is trying to fight. Until then, happy riding!


Ashley said...

feel better soon! Great videos! She looks good on him :) and I love your northern accent :)

Jess said...

Haha my "NORTHERN ACCENT"!?! Oh my I never thought I had one!! I feel like such a Yankee now!

Unknown said...

He looks great! (I didn't notice your accent, but I'm probably a Yankee too.) Hope you are feeling better soon!

Jess said...

Thanks Marissa!! Now I want to just keep watching it...trying to listen for my "accent"!!! HAHA!