Jimmy completed one full long side of a BEAUTIFUL shoulder-in at the walk and I was positively elated. He's getting stronger and better with the trot work as well, but not quite to the point where I feel comfortable beginning to ask him to move laterally at the canter again. As a 4 year old he had it down, but with this recovery I'd like to build him up slowly.
After our ride I had to turn the lights off in the arena and the thought never crossed my mind that: 1. It's dark out. 2. It will be REALLY dark when I turn out the lights 3. Jimmy might not like the dark. Well what do you know. My silly self left Jimmy alone while I walked over to turn out the lights, then walked back to grab him...in the dark. Needless to say, even though I had the iPhone playing music & I was humming along I couldn't see him & he couldn't see me so when I reached out for his reins I accidentally bumped him in the nose and absolutely terrified him. He blew out at me and snorted and I could tell from the sound of his feet he was backing up away from me. I kept walking towards him and said "Hey buddy it's alright. Heyyyy...Heyy..... C'mon" and he walked right into my hands. I rubbed him, he calmed down, we walked out into the moonlight and right into the aisle. What a silly idea of me - just goes to show you that even the most seasoned equestrian makes mindless mistakes! I'm so lucky he's trusting and the sound of my voice calms him almost instantly.
He's now started his new feed to help his weight and muscle. It is VERY high protein (30%) and my feed guy told me I have to promise to work Jimmy and make sure he gets out because on this high of a protein he'll kill us if we don't let him work!! I noticed he had a little diarrhea down his back left & remnants of it on his sheet - meaning he laid in it last night. I stuck around long enough (he had great gut sounds, I knew it wouldn't be long) for him to have BM and it was nice and solid. THANK GOODNESS. I anticipated there would be some adjustment in his tummy from the mega high protein feed, I'm happy to see the discomfort period has already passed. I'll keep my eye on him though, just to be sure.
While I clean my tack every night, I like to leave Jimmy's stall open so he can visit with me if he wants. He usually munches on his flax seed & then peeks out to join me. He KNOWS the rule is he can't step his feet out AT ALL or he gets pushed back in. Usually just an "Ah ah ah!!" and he steps back. Last night he was just belligerent and thought he really needed to have both feet out of his stall. He had the cutest look on his face so before I reprimanded him and closed his door (punishment when he doesn't listen the first two times I ask) I had to snap this photo:
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He's just the cutest horse in the world! Love my Jimmy Choo!!!! |
Sounds like a great ride! I make poor Tucker follow me around in the dark all the time too. Their eyes don't adjust as quickly as our do to changes in light, so they're basically blind when we flip lights off like that. Good thing we have trusting animals!
Congrats on the wedding date!
Thanks Marissa!!! We're very excited to tie the knot :-)
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