Saturday, November 13, 2010

Stubborn Streak

Last night the BO had to show a horse to a trainer, so when I walked into the arena today to get on, I didn't even think that all of the jumps would be out and sprinkled about the arena. I had Jimmy in tow, so I wasn't about to walk around and move all of the jumps off of the rail. I got on and decided to just ride on the inside and those that were far enough off the rail that I could squeak by I would break down to a slow walk, continue through the gap, and transition onward.

The wind today was fierce and it rained all day! The temperature dropped WAY down into the 40's (bone chilling after the nearly 70ยบ temperatures we've had lately!!) and I had to layer up with whatever was in my car just to stay warm enough. Yes, winter will be a harsh reality check. It's coming....unfortunately.

Thankfully I have Jimmy in awesome barn hands so when it down-poured today, they snatched him & brought him into the safety & dryness of his stall. His Baker got drenched and was 50 lbs. at least, but they took it off and left it drying outside his stall. It's such a relief to have him where he's always taken care of and I never have to worry about what "clothes" he should have on each day. I had his Weatherbeeta in my car nice and clean & dry so after our ride he got tucked in with a nice, warm & dry blankey.

He warms up & cools down faster every day. His stubborn streak is starting to come back as well, which is a nod to how good he is feeling. He's only stubborn when he knows he feels well enough to get away with it. The last few days the stubborn streak has been tracking right and moving off my leg. He would rather just ignore my leg & hand than move laterally, as he's being asked. Today we focused on LOTS of work to the right. By the end he was fit to be tied but he was moving great!

I'm looking  forward to jumping again and I'm not quite sure when the time is right to do it. I've tried researching on it and I can't find much of anything. I should call John and see what he thinks....Maybe I'll drop him an e-mail tonight. My goal was to have JC jumping by Thanksgiving. We'll see how it goes :-)

Lesson with Lucy tomorrow :-)

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