Thursday, January 1, 2009


Hello hello!!!

Yesterday MOLLY!!!!!!!!! came out and rode :) It was so much fun! She and her "homey" Doobie (they go way back you know...) had a great time hacking around like old times. Meanwhile JC and I were flying around like crazy jumpers and doing turns & lead changes up the wazoo. Haha. Molly watches him and goes, "Fffff.....UGHH!! Those LEAD CHANGES!! OMG!!!!!" Hehehe. I am so proud of my little JC. He's the greatest. And Doobie was thrilled to have the attention.

Molly also complimented Chelsey on Kix's GAY bridle charm, which I make fun of practically everyday... and Chelsey is now using Molly's compliment to secure her thoughts that it's "cool". I still think it is lame, Chelsey. But! if it makes you happy...then I am happy. LOL

Today Chelsey had some friends out who watched us ride Jimmy, Greta, Kix & Doobie -- all of which were FANTASTIC! Greta WALKED all by herself! And was steering really, really well too! HOORAY GRETARD!!! She is outgrowing her nickname :D Through Greta being GREAT Jimmy Choo was also a rockstar... and there were two jumps set up.. after he warmed up like a champion, I decided it wouldn't kill him to jump an X and a tiny verticle a few times (especially since we had an audience! That is rare!) So I did both a few times and Chel goes "are you going to do them in a line?" and it was a pretty significant slice... and I had thought about it.. .but didn't know if it was crazy to ask a 3 year old who had never experienced a slice or anything of the sort in his life so I went "Idk, you think I should??" and Chelsey being genius told me the way to approach it so I did... and he fricken did it PERFECTLY. Hard slice, two strides, verticle. AMAZING! Land, lead change, perfect. He was so amazing, I could barely believe it, so I stopped with that. It was such an incredible feeling. I am so freaking proud of him. Everyday I experience something new with him and I've never been so proud of anything in my life. I love him so much and I just feel so fortunate to have him in my life. Between him, Doobie, Chelsey, and her two... my life is so, incredibly blessed. My equine life is incredible. Now if the rest could follow...

1 comment:

cvferkix said...

I love this post. Its my fave so far. He was so amazing this day. Our dudes (and chick) are so great. I love them all. Even tho Greta can be a B. LOL! btw Molly is a riot!

AND MY BRIDLE CHARM IS NOT GAY!!!!! I am taking a picture of it and posting it up here.