Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sorry I'm Slacking...

Hello hello!

It's been a bit since I posted, I know. I'm sorry.

The biggest concern for me right now is Jimmy's conformation. This is something I've never really thought about, but as he gets closer & closer to being 4... I worry his neck will never grow. So I'm going to try researching how to increase his neck muscles, and I'm going to work him more consistently in side reins. I don't want his mouth to get tough though, so I think I will just lunge him in a halter with the surcingle. This way, he gets some work on his neck, but his mouth won't go sour. I would love if his head and neck grew LARGER via bone, but if muscle throughout his neck is the best we can do, then that is the best we can do.

Of course, I'm going to love him whatever his "neck" situation! I just want him (like any mother for her child) to be the healthiest boy he can be, and I want him to be at his potential for the rest of his life. Never short of that (no pun intended)

Yesterday two light bulbs started to flicker in JC's brain... the COLLECTION light bulb, and the LATERAL MOVEMENT light bulb. YAY!!! All of a sudden, he's starting to GET it. His head placement has gotten worse, but all of a sudden his body and motion has gotten so much better, so I am not worrying about the head because so long as he has the body, we're going places.

So, with that... I guess I will go to yoga to MY body is as fluid as Jimmy Choo's!!!

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