Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I can't wait for the weekend. I'm so excited that my weekend starts tomorrow I am practically beside myself!!!!! EEEE!!!! Tomorrow I get to go riding, Friday night is TAPE NIGHT!!! With the Canterbury Crew <3 My loves. Saturday is photo shoot with Chel + Tiff + our babies!!! YAYY!! Sunday I get to RIDE AGAIN! I love 4-day weekends.

Tiff & I are gunna jump all of our ponies BIG and take pix of it :D YAY!!

Also, I made a surprise tonight which I have to finish tomorrow & bring to the barn, but I think Tiff will be really pumped about them! I AM PUMPED ABOUT THEM!!!

Hint: Tonight I researched horse shows, and these are things that will help my polish up my classical riding skills :P

Catch ya' lata!! Pix will be posted <3 ENJOY THE WEATER!

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