Thursday & Friday Jimmy was fresh, it was still chilly then... But SATURDAY and today he was such a dream! We did a lesson with Chel Saturday & Jimmy was entirely perfect. She started us out on a lunge line with no reins, no stirrups. Jimmy had side reins on so I could just sit there and steer with my legs while he figured out where his head is supposed to go. He behaved like a saint. Ni hissy fits or anything. Once we did WTC on line then she gave me back my reins, took off his side reins, and we hacked out on the rail, working on collection and extention. He was so fluid, I can still imagine it...completely flawless. It was like the lightbulb just clicked and he remembered what it was like to horse show this summer. Haha! He acted just like he did the day he was in his first hack class... (the one he WON!) Once we finished hacking, we had a tiny verticle set up which JC trotted, and didn't care about. Chel set it up to a little bitty (2'6"?) oxer and he catered it with the most perfect rhythm and distance, we stopped with that.
Today he hacked really wonderfully and I popped him over the oxer again (it was so small, nbd) just once to see how he'd act, and of course he didn't care one bit. What a little champion that horse is.
I was telling Chelsey, I am happy to horse show this summer becuase it will be cheap, but I'm sad it won't be the hunters. He's such a gorgeous hunter, I wish I could afford to do it with him because he would really clean up. Oh well. We'll just go have fun this summer while we're young :) There will be many summers to come for hunters.
Here are some photos from the photo-shoot day a few weeks ago that I've manipulated. Enjoy :D

OH! P.S. Tiff & Steve set up the corner of the arena for jump storage behind the wall, so they aren't lying all over one corner of the arena anymore! They are nicely contained behind the wall! HOORAY!! JC wasn't too pumped about it at first today, but he got over it. I think he's been questioning things lately because he's bored inside. Soon enough the snow will melt and the trail rides will happen once again. Patience, my dear Jimmy.
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