Yeah, you could say that I'm excited. Check out what came today?! He's totally going to be the most stylish dude in the bunch. I bet he wears this better than me, though....

Tonight, during his walk, he stumbled three times, noticeably. Another time from pure laziness, I think. It's something I need to watch and keep my eyes on. If he's stumbling without wraps on while he's walking, I'm concerned. Then again...maybe he just was pissed he wasn't eating grass & tried to stumble for snacks ;-) You never know....
Oh, and I'm a terrible mother again...I forgot to give him his Adequan. (Crap.) Oh well! Tomorrow it is.
BUT GUESS WHAT?! I now have TWO judging gigs this summer, and I bet there are more on the way. If your hunter/jumper horse show is in need of a judge, please click here to view my resume and send me an e-mail!
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