Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It Never Ends

Well, tonight Jimmy was a total knucklehead again. I put him on the line to walk and TROT ONLY. He had bigger plans. In the round pen, he likes to trot nicely, then suddenly explode at this one spot, so I was pretty ready for it, I watched the wind up....Nope. Didn't matter. He pulled and shot himself so hard up in the air and around and around he pulled the lunge line right out of my hands. Then, instead of stopping like a good boy he ran faster and faster and faster and faster and FASTER!!!!! until finally he realized I was staring his butt down (literally) and he twirled and flipped himself to face me and bounced to a stop, snorting like 'OH HEY MOM HOW'S IT GOIN!?' all out-of-breath.

I grabbed the rope while he wandered over to the grass (Jimmy is very "let's ride bikes" if you catch my drift....) and pulled it out of through his legs. How he didn't step on it and decapitate/flip himself end-over-end while at that dead gallop is beyond me. I'll thank the Angel Doobie for that one.

We reversed and went back to trying to walk/trot...and Jimmy again, had an alternative plan. Around and around he goes. Dead-ass-gallop. Cool. Thanks Jimmy. That rocked .

I made him walk a few nice circles around me. Albeit they were 5' in radius because that's the only way he'd WALK not DEAD RUN.... but, it worked.

I threw him in his stall and borrowed a friend's horse to go on a quick trail ride. It's been almost a month since I've ridden last so it felt good to just get on a horse again and ride. Didn't last long since the bugs were both blood-sucking and annoying beyond belief (not to mention it was about 95ยบ), but Jess and I still had fun. Here are a few pix of me on her mare, Luna (AppyxArab):

On a side note: It is currently both wedding and horse show season. This means that every other album uploaded to Facebook is either a wedding, a shower, or a horse show. It is absolutely the worst form of torture I have ever endured. That's all.


Anonymous said...

How about drugs? I use them rarely, but when you need them, you need them for safe rehab work.

Jess said...

Yep, I'm starting to think that phone call is next. I really hope when I sit on him that he remembers "Oh, I'm a good horse, that's right" but if that's not the case or he gets more out of control in the next few days (only 9 more until I can ride) then that call will be made to Dr. John!

Anonymous said...

If you know how to do IM injections (or have someone show you - it's easy), Ace can be done IM which means if your vet gives you some you could do it yourself. Or barn owner could do IV (if you trust them to do that; I won't do an IV injection myself).

Jess said...

Yep, I do both IV and IM injections myself (joys of owning jumpers = Legend/Adequan). We'll see how it goes.