Friday, August 6, 2010

Great News!

Today John took radiographs of Jim's fetlock which I thought had been causing him so much pain. Results- fetlock is clean!!! No more chips, no excessive remodeling, and all is ready to rock and roll.

So why is Jimmy lame, you ask? John hoof tested him and what do you know, he is still very abnormally sensitive in his toes. John basically said Jimmy almost flipped himself over when he tested the toes. Good news is that nothing appeared in the radiograph in the hoof so we are clear there.

Bill went right out to Saddlers Row and picked up some Vnetian Turpentine for our little guy and he will start that tomorrow. I am also looking into the "Easy Boot" for JC instead of shoeing him. Pour in pads are preferable, but not affordable, so they are out of the cards for us. Time to put on our thinking caps and come up wig how we can help his feet while spending as little as possible ;-) John said there was a lot of heat in the toes as well, which from my mom's nursing degree, I know means at least his body is trying to heal those owie toes.

Anyone have experience with the Easy Boot? I am going to order Keratex with my next SmartPak order and maybe start package his feet at night so he has some support and relief.... Thought and experiences are welcome!!! Please share!

I am so grateful that he's okay.


ItsOnlyAnna said...

I haven't used one personally, but the woman I'm about to start working for has been using them for two weeks now on her big 17.2hh guy. He got laminitic over night, and had to have his front shoes pulled. She was supposed to keep walking him regularly, but he was really sore so she bought him easy boots for both fronts. She was walking him all over creation (and even trotting) and he was really quite sound with them. Not even a short step on rocks. I'd see if you can borrow one, or find one cheap/used on eBay! Or, do the foamboard (or even infant diapers + duct tape. Now THAT'S helping your horse on a college budget!) and see if it helps at all, that way you know it's a sensitivity issue and the boot should definitely help! I'm so glad nothing showed up on the radiographs!!!

Now I'm blabbing because I'm so excited it's nothing in his bones! Yayy!!!

Jess said...

Hahaha thanks AB! I'm excited too :-)