Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kyla Meets Jimmy Choo

Today a friend and coworker of mine brought her 4 year old daughter Kyla out to meet Jimmy. Kyla sees horses from the car window and always says "Mommy!!! Mommy!!! Horses!!!" so Amie thought it would be a great activity for her and Kyla to get to do. She asked me and of course I said yes.

Jimmy hasn't had a ton of exposure to children, but every time he has had children around, he's always been just like a puppy - very in-their-face "I love you I love you I love you" type. Today was no different :-) He was a perfect, wonderful gentleman and took very good care to be nothing but on his best behavior around Kyla. He kept reaching out to give her a nuzzle, and he wrapped his neck around her to give her a hug. He let her brush, hug, kiss, and even feed him a cookie and not as much as a single tooth or tail hair was laid on Kyla the whole time.

Once she was comfortable around him, she wanted to ride, so Amie strapped Kyla's helmet on and while I got the camera ready, Jimmy stood for Kyla to sit up on his bare back. He had to have known she was up there because he stood STOCK.STILL. I asked her (after snapping 10 or so photos) if she wanted to walk and she said yes, so while her mom was holding her upright, I asked Jimmy to slowly walk forward. Not only do I love this horse because he takes care of me, but my goodness gracious does he take good care of everyone up there. My heart swelled as Jimmy very carefully took 5 slow-motion steps forward and stopped again, stood posing with his ears forward, and waited for us to take a few more photos before Kyla was helped down. I love my horse beyond words. Here are some photos of our wonderful day with Kyla (Courtesy of Amie's camera!)

Jimmy standing perfectly for Kyla to sit up on him.

Kyla said "Mom, can I have a horse?"

Jimmy trying to give little Kyla a hug & kiss
He was so sweet with her!!!

Jimmy looking back to see what's goin' on up there.

Absolutely cute as can be.

Look at those smiles!!!

Going for a walk.

Walkin'. Bein' cute.

Learning how to hold the rope. Look how interested JC is...

Baby kisses.

Struttin' his stuff!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

OMG! I love it. That is so cute!