Thursday, February 24, 2011

Catching Up

Well it's probably been a solid month since I've gotten a good ride in. I don't mean "Oh, I got to ride today!" I mean a brow-beating, catch-your-breath, concentrate-so-hard-you-forget-what-time-it-is ride. Last night I did that :-) was so enjoyable!!

Because of our my lack of work ethic this month as a whole, I'm going to estimate that Jimmy and I are about 5 weeks behind in where I was hoping to be right now to get ready for the season. First it was the blizzard, then it was horribly cold, then I was sick, then it was my birthday (Oh yeah, I'm 23 now! Hoorah!), so now it's FINALLY time to get back to work. Thankfully, lessons haven't suffered throughout this month, I've actually acquired another client who will be on the team to show with us this summer. Exciting!!!

So last night Jimmy and I tried to work as a team and we were in all honesty only 70% together, if that much. Lateral work was okay, not great...He rooted at the bit quite frequently and was entirely too impatient when it came to walk breaks - he just wanted to get back to work & wouldn't relax. We jumped only because he needs to remember how, and he was about straight as the Pride parade to every fence....which made me crazy, but I couldn't blame him. It's been a WHILE since we've really worked on anything at all - and I think the last thing we really worked on over fences was it'd make sense that he was a little wonky. Nothing like sending mixed signals!!

My focus tonight will be patience and straightness. I'll have about an hour when I get there before my students so I'll be sure to spend it wisely. And speaking of lessons...look what my dad gave me & my brother came out to hang up!!!! HOORAY!!! A LESSON BOARD!!! I feel so official :-D Happy riding!!

1 comment:

SprinklerBandit said...

Love the lesson board! Have a good ride.