Monday, January 26, 2009

Hair Cut

Well, this weekend turned out to be too cold for us to ride, so instead, JC got a haircut.

Friday night we went out late and I did a little 2 stride over & over to work with his consistency. It's tough to judge how he'll react to different things when it's only like 10ยบ outside, and he hasn't been ridden all week. I know at a horse show he will be much calmer and more consistent with everything... so really I guess it was just good practice for my eye, and his elasticity at the canter.

Friday night Steve put up the Tongue Twister in JC's stall. Chelsey is letting us use it, since Kix doesn't like it. I got LikIt Refills for it Saturday, but I haven't been back out to put them in and see how he likes it. Right now I'm sure he just keeps flipping it around, wondering why the hell no treats have come out. His stall now has a Stall Snack hanging from the top bars, a LikIt Tongue Twister, an apple mineral block, then a Baker sheet on the outside. He's definitely the most spoiled one in the barn. I only do it because Doobie would never tolerate any of it... and Jimmy truly appreciates all these gits. Haha.

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