Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lateral Movement Department

James got the "torture devices" on him today... aka side reins. Haha! He was sooo unhappy about it. I felt guilty, but I want his back to be healthy!! He gets going so hollow sometimes, it makes me nervous, so he just needs a tune-up every so often. He seriously looks SO gorgeous when he's all frames up. He kept stopping and turning to me and pawing. He was grumpy!! But, I only made him do it for 10 minutes or so, if that. He is so damn cute. I just love him.

Doobie is shedding like CRAZY!! He was also really upset that he was in his stall while Jimmy got to be ridden and "tortured" haha, so I let them play in the indoor while I made the bran mash & cleaned up.

I love our barn :)

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